Hundreds of protesters stopped a Lebanese family from being evicted from their home in the Tetuán district of Madrid on Wednesday by forming a human chain to prevent access to the block of flats on Calle Naranjo.
The family who were due to be evicted on Wednesday stopped making their mortgage payments two years ago after the father joined the ranks of the unemployed.
The court eviction was scheduled for 10.30 am, and cheers went up from the crowd after a local police officer gave the news later that morning that it had been called off.
The protest was called by the platform ‘Afectados por la Hipoteca’ – ‘Mortgage Victims’, who sent out a call for support to help the family from losing their home. It was answered by supporters from the Democracia Real Ya and 15-M movements, and also by Cayo Lara,the leader of the Izquierda Unida left-wing coalition, who was there in a private capacity.
He was greeted by some in the crowd with shouts of ‘opportunist’ and ‘You do not represent us’. El Mundo reports that one of the protesters poured a bottle of water over Lara while he was addressing the press.
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